Italy 2008
In September 2008 the band traveled to where members of the WWII Loyal Edmonton Regiment fought in Italy. In early December 1943 the 1st Canadian Infantry Division and 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade began their most savage battle of the Italian Campaign. In the mud and the rain troops attacked from the Moro River to Ortona. Then, from house to house and room to room there raged a ferocious battle against resolute German defenders. With extraordinary courage the Canadians prevailed and after Christmas finally secured the town. Members of the EPS Pipes and Drums played in the streets of the towns and at the graveyards that were the final resting place for many of the Canadian soldiers.
The band traveled about 50 km south of Rome to the city of Cassino and to Montecassino where they played at the Commonwealth Cemeteries. On the mountain overlooking the city stands the Abbey of Montecassino. This abbey is of special importance because it has been destroyed and rebuilt on four separate occasions. The most recent was in 1944 near the end of W.W.II. No trip to Italy would be complete without a visit to the Rome, the Vatican, Pompeii, and some wonderful vineyards and restaurants.